Online Therapy
Virtual appointments are easy, secure, and convenient. They are a perfect way to carve out some self-care for busy moms who need a session during baby’s nap time, or a lunch break in the middle of a stressful day. Clients can even take a walk or fold laundry while they meet with their Ready Nest Counselor!
Using a secure link through our electronic health system, clients can rest assured their sessions are confidential. We understand that life doesn’t always allow for a commute to one of our offices, maybe a child gets sick or a meeting pops up, (and sometimes you just need to stay in your jammies all day!) We get it.
Virtual appointments are a perfect option that let’s you prioritize your mental health and emotional wellness wherever you are. Ready Nest Counselors are always accepting new clients (no waitlist!) and can connect you with additional resources to help you feel supported in between sessions. Ready to feel better? We’re ready to meet you.

Parental & Postpartum Therapy Specialists
Receive counseling from the convenience of your home with Ready Nest Counseling’s virtual appointments now offered in Tennessee, South Carolina, and Florida. Specializing in pregnancy, postpartum, infertility, loss, and early parenthood, Ready Nest Counseling helps couples and individuals through the greatest milestones of life. Every Ready Nest Counselor is trained in evidence based practices, ready to meet you in your family building journey. Whether you’re trying to conceive, or already brought the baby home, Ready Nest Counseling can help you make the most of this stressful season.