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Our Top Read-Aloud Books from Local Charleston Bookstores

By: Ready Nest Intern, Raegyn Oliver

Storytime is one of the most memorable times you'll share as a parent. There’s just something about crawling into your little one’s bed and watching their eyes fill with wonder as you read them epic tales of pirates, ogres, or fairies. In a span of five minutes, you've become explorers discovering new worlds with new perspectives that spark a connection between you and your child.

Reading aloud builds vocabulary, increases attention span, and encourages curiosity and creativity. As your child hears about the different worlds described, they'll envision life in those worlds and unlock their imagination. Reading teaches values and encourages empathy. Next time you read your child a story, ask them how they would react in a similar situation. This helps them understand the characters' feelings and informs their view of a world bigger than their own. Stories about diverse cultures broaden children's understanding and enrich their respect for diversity.

Here are some of our favorite read-aloud books for your little one!

How to Catch a Dragon!

Written by Adam Wallace, Illustrated by Andy Elkerton

Good Reads Review: Linked Here

YouTube Read-Aloud: Linked Here

Get ready for a fun adventure with How to Catch a Dragon! This hilarious book follows a group of kids as they chase a dragon using wacky contraptions during Chinese New Year. It’s a great read with colorful illustrations and a delightful storyline to inspire your little one’s imagination. If you enjoy How to Catch a Dragon, be sure to check out the other books in the How to Catch series.

My Papi Has a Motorcycle

Written by Isabel Quintero, Illustrated by Zeke Peña

Good Reads Review: Linked Here

YouTube Read-Aloud: Linked Here

Hop on and join Daisy and her Papi for a thrilling ride through their hometown in My Papi Has a Motorcycle. This heartwarming book takes you on a journey through the streets, taco stands, and landmarks of their town as Papi shows Daisy how much their community means to him. It’s a young girl’s love letter to her home and hard-working dad filled with vivid imagery.

Patrick Picklebottom and the Longest Wait

Written by Mr. Jay, Illustrated by Gary Wilkinson

Good Reads Review: Linked Here

YouTube Read-Aloud: Linked Here

Ready for another adventure? Well, so is Patrick! Patrick Picklebottom and the Longest Wait is a children’s book guaranteed to have your little one giggling from start to finish. Join Patrick as he eagerly waits for story time to begin, but as the hours tick by, his impatience grows and leads to some quirky antics. This book will surely become a family favorite with its loveable characters and relatable storyline. It’s a true must-read for any child with a sense of humor!

And here are a few of our go-to Charleston spots to find read-aloud favorites of your own!

Blue Bicycle Books

Shop Online: Linked Here

Blue Bicycle Books, owned by writer Jonathan Sanchez, is a renowned locally-owned bookstore in Charleston. With decades of experience, this bookstore has been instrumental in connecting readers and writers. Not only is it a New York Times-reporting store, but it also serves as an event space for various literary events. Blue Bicycle Books hosts over 200 authors every year. It’s the perfect destination for lovers of new and used books from a wide range of genres.

Buxton Books

Instagram: @buxtonbooks_chs

Shop Online: Linked Here

Now, here’s a bookstore with character and a focus on the Charleston community. Polly and Julian Buxton’s bookshop can only be described as sleek, warm, and brimming with magic. The owners and their staff have a true passion for books, believing that reading holds the power to connect people. Buxton Books also hosts many events in their shop like author signings and meet-and-greets.

Itinerate Literate Bookshop

Instagram: @chsbookmobile

Shop Online: Linked Here

What was first a mobile pop-up bookstore in 2015 is now the bricked-in store that Charleston knows and loves. Their name is their mission: stories are channels for growth. True to their cause, they carry a diverse selection of titles for families of all ages. It’s a unique Charleston gem for its ongoing events like open-mic nights and live story-telling.

These books, with their engaging stories and characters, not only captivate our little ones but also plant seeds for a lifelong love of reading. Our local bookstores create warm, inviting spaces to discover new stories together. These spaces not only offer carefully curated selections but also weave the enchantment of storytelling into the fabric of our children's lives. Our hope is that you and your own little one can embark on countless magical adventures through the pages of these cherished books as you read together.


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